Our Fees

Flexible, pay as you go Bookkeeping & Accounting fees - with no tie-in

We know cost is a big consideration when you are hiring a bookkeeper or an accountant. But so is expertise and experience. At ANC Accountancy Ltd, we have it all covered.

Our low, flexible, pay-as-you-go fees include a range of features and benefits, including access to your dedicated accountant, off-site bookkeeping, monthly reporting and advice – with absolutely no tie in.

Bookkeeping fees - from £15 per hour

Professional, experienced and qualified Bookkeeping services provided by our bookkeepers from £10 p/hr. You can have your Bookkeeping managed at our site. No minimum cost requirement.

Accounting fees - from £20 per hour

All other Accounting work is carried out at the hourly rate. We also provide tax advice services, please contact us for rates.

Payroll fees - £40 per month

We charge only £40 per month to manage your payroll up to 10 payslips. If you're starting a new company we can also register your Company PAYE Scheme.

Company formation fees

In addition to incorporating UK companies (Ltd, LLP and PLC) we can register you for VAT and PAYE. Contact us for more information about these costs.

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